I’m glad you’re here!
This hub acts as a place to direct you to the products and services that can help make your future bright by focusing on the inner transformation that is necessary to bring your vibration to that which matches your desire.
My business is all about helping people understand how one’s own energy or vibration creates their life experience, how they came to own that energy as a result of past experience and how they can change their vibration to match that of their desire. I help people with all kinds of problems whether related to their health, finances or relationships. All experience is a result of one’s own energy and I help you change your energy!

In all my years of doing coaching and healing work, I have found that there is a “formula” that can help you transform your life experience and all of my work is based on this formula.
This site is a place to view and/or purchase my services, read testimonials, download my free ebook and connect to some of the same resources that I have used to bring this formula together.


This site consists of a course that provides exercises meant to help you create a habit of being aware of your energy and what it’s creating so that you can be more consciously create as you go through life.

I’m a huge animal lover and am very aware of how are animals are often a mirror of our own subconscious patterns. When we care more about our animals than we do ourselves, problems with our precious companions can force us to look at what’s going on.
Our animals can teach us true, unconditional love, and yet, cause us heartache and frustration when they have behavior or health problems. When you understand your animal, you just may understand yourself better, which leads to healing on all levels.
This is a brand new site for me, so bear with me while I get it off the ground, but I intend to share insights from my sessions with animals so that you may understand yours as well! For now, go to AnimalAligned.com to read about work I’ve done with animals and make an appointment for your fur-friend.

As a shamanic healing practitioner, I’m interested in the energy of many natural elements, especially that of crystals and stones.
A funny thing happened a couple of years back when I decided to learn a little bit about wrapping crystals so that I could wear some of my favorites…
After I’d create something, especially if it was for someone specific, I’d get a reading from it! My weave would have a design that would show me an area where, the person it was meant for, was out of alignment. It would also show me what alignment looked like for that individual. I’d then be able to tune into the energy of the finished piece to determine the vibration it offered to help bring that person into alignment!
Creating jewelry with energy specific to a certain person taught me a lot about how elements from nature can truly assist someone with their vibration. Although I don’t get a lot of time these days to create, I do have some pieces available on my etsy store, which you can access at shamanstyledstones.com, and if you’re drawn to something, it may be exactly what you need to shift your vibration into alignment with who you are and what you want.


At this site, I intend to provide information on how you can develop and enhance your own intuitive abilities.
This site is also the best place to go if you want to view my calendar and schedule a one-on-one session with me.
I also plan to post articles of a more global nature on this site in the near future, such as reading the energy that creates catastrophic weather patterns, and other such events.

My book: The Intuitive Reading for Transformation

Although written as a step-by-step guide to assist healing professionals in helping their clients transform problem situations into what they desire, this book is for anyone who wants to understand their own inner process, providing insight and power to heal and transform any situation.
If you’re dealing with anything you consider a problem in your life, whether it be related to your health or appearance, finances or career, or relationships of any kind, it simply means your beliefs and vibration are not in alignment with who you really are and the imbalance causes a physical issue designed to get your attention and correct your course.
And we get off course due to past events we perceived in a way that created a limiting belief that may have caused suffering. And you’re not meant to be limited, nor are you meant to suffer!
This book shows you how you can unravel the story of how the “problem” came about and with insight into what any situation was meant to teach you, transform that situation.
With the past healed, and your potential realized, you have the opportunity to automatically shift out of an old way of thinking (that resulted in a vibration that limited you), and into a vibration that will create the kind of positive life experience you intended for yourself before you were born into this physical existence!
After all, why would you choose anything but to utilize your gifts, talents and skills and enjoy the possibilities of being an unlimited spiritual being in a physical body?!
My iPhone App: The Secret Formula

This app gives you the power to transform unwanted situations and manifest your desires right from your iPhone (web version is included in Consciousness101 for you non-iPhone users).
Get the 6 steps in a form on your phone so that any time you’re experiencing negative emotions, you can quickly turn them around and move your focus to what you desire.
When you submit your form, you’re submitting your order to the universe to take care of the details!
The Journaling Outline

This IS The Secret Formula in the most simplifed way that I can offer it.
If you are experiencing a problem in your life, it is created by your vibration, which was created by limitations that some experience caused in you. This is because the negative energy of that experience was never released.
There is always a gift in even the most difficult situations and this guide helps you to find that gift so that you can stop experiencing the problem (and you usually will over and over again until you obtain the gift) and advance along the path you intended for yourself in this lifetime.
There are a few questions you can ask yourself that will help you raise your vibration to a level that pulls you out of the depths of despair and guide you to a place that will manifest all that you desire.
This outline works on the premise that every hardship, negative emotion, and challenge in your life has a much higher purpose.
And it helps you to know what that purpose is!
This outline helps you to gain a completely different perspective on anything you consider a problem in your life, which in itself is very healing.
It helps you to reach into the shadows, grab hold of, and discard anything that has contributed to a vibration that limits you, while guiding you to the power that will create what you want.
Since this is what you were meant to do, it also creates enlightenment and guides you through the ascension process.
Download now the 6 pages in pdf format that describe this process in a very concise and effective way, giving you a few different ways of asking yourself questions that will bring answers that transform your life!
This 6-page pdf document that explains how to determine your vibration, what it’s creating in your life, and how to shift it so as to align your vibration with what you desire.